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Industrial Vastu

Vastu principles for industry ensure the successful production and profitable business. Vastu advice for industry helps to get way for prosperity in business. There are several things that are considered while setting.
Vastu guidelines for industries like selection of plot, position of electronic gadgets, location of guardroom, staff quarters, pantry, administrative area, color scheme of the industry, placement of raw materials and many more.
Even though there are vast differences in production methods or process flow etc. in different industries but the broad principles of Vaastu Shastra are universally applicable.

Some of Many More Vastu tips for Industry or Factory :

•  Choose factory in East, North or North-east direction in order to bag and make more profit in long-run.

•  The building construction of the industry or factory should be in the South-West portion of the plot.

•  The entrance of factory must be in East direction and main gate should be huge with two shutters.

•  The owner’s office should be constructed in the East or North portion while owner must sit facing North for all kind dealing and discussion.

•  Administrative office and other office blocks can be constructed in North, East

•  Staff quarters, Outhouse should be built in the North West or South East corner.

•  More open space should be provided in the east and the North side than in the West and South side.
And many more…..

Are you not able to grow your business despite your hardwork and consistent efforts?